Learn more about foods that prevent cancer


French researchers conducted a study of about 70,000 people, who showed types of foods reducing the risk of cancer.

The study participants, who range from 2009 to 2016, were divided into four groups based on the proportion of organic products in their diet, and other factors affecting the risk of developing tumors have been also been taken into account.

People who consume organic products in their diet are 25% less likely to develop malignant tumors, but this diet does not affect the risk of cancer of the intestine or prostate.

These encouraging results for consumers of organic foods are due to the fact that they eat as little as possible of pesticide residues and medicines commonly used in agriculture.

"If the results are confirmed, encouraging the use of organic products by all can be part of a cancer prevention strategy in the future," said Julie Baudry, co-author of the 39; study.

Organic products, organic foods, are foods manufactured or grown without the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. No chemicals were added during manufacturing, nor were genetically modified foods.

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