Castle News Vitamin D improves cardiovascular fitness


I am 11h17 | 2018-11-01 – Thursday

News from the castle

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Increased levels of vitamin D in the body are linked to better cardiovascular fitness, which translates into better physical activity, according to a recent US study.

The study was conducted by researchers from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Virginia and was published in the latest issue of the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.

The cardiovascular form is the ability of the heart and respiratory organs to absorb oxygen from the outside air and to transfer it through the blood and extract it through the cells, especially the muscles, to produce energy.

The respiratory form can be developed at a steady pace through aerobic physical activities such as walking, running, cycling, swimming and other activities. People with good respiratory status are also in good health.

The researchers explained that it was established that vitamin D was important for bone health, but it is becoming increasingly evident that it plays a role in other parts of the body, including the heart and the muscles.

To achieve the results of the study, the team followed 1995 between 20 and 45 years, of which 45% women, 13% hypertensive people and 4% diabetics.

The researchers monitored the heart condition levels and measured vitamin D levels in the participants' bodies.

Doctors believe that the normal level of vitamin D in the body should be greater than 75 nanomol / l and that 50 to 75 nmol / l is a deficiency of this vitamin, while a serious deficiency is classified as less than 25 nmol / l (nanoomol is a unit of measurement). Vitamins and minerals in the body).

The researchers found that people with high vitamin D levels had more than four times the respiratory health of their peers, regardless of other factors such as age, sex, sex BMI, smoking, hypertension and diabetes.

The sun is the first safe source of vitamin D and gives the body the need for ultraviolet light needed for vitamin production.

Vitamin D deficiency can be offset by eating foods such as oily fish such as salmon, sardines, tuna, fish oil, cow's liver and eggs, or by taking Vitamin supplements available in pharmacies.

The body uses vitamin D to maintain healthy bones and absorb calcium effectively. Vitamin deficiency can increase the risk of injury in people with osteoporosis and bone malformations, cancer and inflammation, and disruption of the body's immune system.


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