Current technology – scientists discover the "remains" of a galaxy in the Milky Way


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Scientists discover the "remains" of a galaxy in the Milky Way:

Washington – The Arabs Today

A team of astronomers discovered traces of the Milky Way that ran into another galaxy on a path traveled by our sun.

"Astronomers have discovered about 33,000 stars in the Milky Way," said "They follow different paths from the rest of the stars of our galaxy.Scientists followed 600 stars of this constellation using telescopes and learned that these stars had appeared within the confines of our galaxy while they collided with another galaxy 10 billion years ago.

The dimensions of the galaxy, which scientists have called Gaia-Enceladus, were five times smaller than those of the Milky Way.

Computer modeling has shown the possibility that some stars fall within the limits of the Milky Way as a result of this space catastrophe.

"The Milky Way has already engulfed a large number of small galaxies and we are now convinced that it has engulfed a large galaxy," said astronomer Catherine Johnson at Columbia University in New York. York. "We can compare this work to a criminal investigation, they can be detected, but from a dead galaxy".

The number of stars in our galaxy of the Milky Way is estimated at 200-400 billion stars. Its dimensions are estimated at 100-200 thousand light-years. Scientists do not rule out that after four billion years, our galaxy comes up against another galaxy called Andromeda.

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