Scientists arrive at an artificial intelligence system that diagnoses Alzheimer's disease before 100%


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A group of US scientists has developed an artificial intelligence system that predicts the development of Alzheimer's disease six years before the onset of symptoms.

The Daily Mail newspaper reports that the artificial intelligence system diagnoses the disease with 100% accuracy. Scientists have trained the robot to detect subtle changes in the brain, difficult to detect by conventional methods.

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Early detection is the only and the best hope for the future of 44 million people with Alzheimer's disease in the world, without treatment until now.

The scientists explained that, although they are aware of the symptoms and causes, they can not fully diagnose and understand the disease, and usually resort to diagnosis to rule out as far as possible the causes of memory loss, through an assessment of memory and possible behavioral changes, Neuropathy of the brain.

Most people have only four to eight years to live since the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, but according to the new study, early monitoring of artificial intelligence in Alzheimer's disease can help maintain some memory functions longer.

"This new artificial intelligence system is giving hope to millions of patients around the world and helping to find better ways to slow down or even curb the course of the disease." Alzheimer's, "said Professor Jay Ho Son, director of the study. .

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