Sell ​​Stephen Hawking's thesis and wheelchair in millions of dollars


The British auction house Christie's sold a motorized wheelchair used by physicist Stephen Hawking and a science letter of about a million dollars.

The agency "Reuters" on Friday that the House has asked for nine days to raise funds for the charitable foundation Stephen Hawking Foundation and the Association of Patients with Motor Nerve.

Some of his articles, including articles, medals, prizes and a copy of his book (A Brief History of Time) were printed Thursday, as well as letters and manuscripts owned by Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein.

Hawking's thesis, titled "Features of Expanded Universes", was sold 117 pages at £ 584,750, a value above its estimated value of £ 150,000 before auction.

Medals and prizes were sold for £ 29,750, while the red wheelchair was selling for £ 29,750, while its value before the auction was only $ 15,000.

Hawking, famous for his research on the origins of the universe, died in March at the age of 76, having spent most of his life in a wheelchair because of an illness neurological.

Hawking was one of the world's leading theoretical physicists, known for his theoretical research in cosmology, black hole relationships, thermodynamics, and time infiltration, author of the book "A Brief History of Time."

In 1963, doctors declared that Hawking, 22, was suffering from endothelial sclerosis. Doctors thought he would live between two and three years, but their predictions did not materialize.

Hawking continued his scientific work, got married twice and had three children. Throughout his life he has conducted scientific research, submitted scientific reports and studied at various universities.

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