One study reveals a cure for a rare cancer .. That's what scientists have announced


News Now Dubai – United Arab Emirates (Agencies)

"Researchers at the American Institute of Cancer Research Dana-Farber have discovered, during their studies, targets in the cell of malignant tumors of two types of cancer that can not be treated," said MedicalXpress in a statement.

"Sarcoma, a rare type of soft tissue cancer that is commonly detected in young people and infertility in children under the age of two, affects the brain, kidneys, and other organs of the body," said the site.

"The development of synovial sarcoma and pediatric tumors is due to the reconstitution of chromatin in ncBAF, which regulates the activity of several genes, and plays an important role in the conditioning of chromatin, a chromosome composed of 39, DNA, RNA and proteins. "

The researchers also discovered that "the presence of BRD9 and GLTSCR1 in the ncBAF complex, which are unique subunits not present in similar compounds," emphasizing that "the inhibition of these units at the same time". auxiliary compounds help prevent the division and proliferation of malignant cells and thus slows the progression of the disease.

The researchers hope that "this study will help design new and effective ways to treat synovial sarcoma and pediatric tumors".


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