A catastrophic ditch in iPhone phones threatens your personal photos


Two experts in the field of electronic security have managed to fill a gap in the phone "iPhone X" in which the stolen images can be stolen.

The "Fluoroacetate" team was able to launch an attack on iPhone X phones at the "Mobile Pwn2Own" contest in Tokyo and received a $ 50,000 reward from regulators for detecting this gap, according to the report. Sputnik agency.

The experts attacked the iPhone X, the latest version of iOS 12.1, and found the recently deleted folder and captured the deleted images.

Experts explained that this gap allowed piracy of images through the "Wi-Fi" in cafes or airports, and they explained to Apple that "the existence of this gap" n & # Had not been corrected yet.

When you delete the image from your phone, the iPhone warns you that the image will be deleted but that the image will be moved to the "recently deleted" folder where it can be restored or permanently. if the user does not delete anything automatically after 30 days.

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