A 58-year-old woman uses lipoprotein technology after her fight against cancer News from cedar


A 58-year-old American patient using lipoprotein technology after her fight against cancer
A significant positive change in the patient's body after fat freeze

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, July 30, 2018 ( ETHOSWIRE): A 58-year-old American woman has frozen fat at the Cosmersberg Center to eliminate unwanted fats after surviving two different types of cancer and insisted on getting rid of stubborn fats in the body after treatment.
In its different forms, its effects on the body, especially the treatment The patient used the technique of freezing fat to regain confidence, after the cure of cancer. The list of side effects of treatment according to cancer.net, food cravings, increased appetite, increased fat tissue and a marked increase in weight.

The cancer patient should not undergo physical changes after his exhausting conflict with the disease. Freezing fat is a safe and non-invasive procedure for removing body fat, freezing fat cells in the treatment areas, and killing those cells and their disappearance. This procedure is more effective than other safe and non-invasive liposuction treatments and leaves fewer risks and complications than surgical solutions, which takes from 35 minutes to an hour, and requires a period of 10 to 8 weeks to see the results.

Skin at the CosmeSurg Center: "We all have certain areas of our body from which we want to remove fat.When we visited the cancer patient for the first time, she had to insist on being complacent despite severe chemotherapy. We decided to perform the process of freezing fat, which was a total transformation of his body, and included treatment of the abdomen, back, arms and legs. </ P> <p> Dr Kachlan said explained that freezing fat is not a cure for weight loss, but rather a fat-soluble solution designed for people who lead an active lifestyle, who have a low fluctuation in weight and who want to melt fat from Some parts of the body: "Most people in the UAE use fat freezing technology for an important reason: they are safer than other lipid-lowering treatments. e are not invasive and therefore do not require the use of needles. Or incisions, or anesthesia, as does not require the patient's recovery period, and does not accompany any inconvenience or discomfort. "

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