A complete guide to sciatica


News: A comprehensive guide to sweating, we always want to provide you with special news content to receive your satisfaction via our news site News News website, a news site has was created in 2016 to provide complete news content on the Arab and international news We would like to follow what is new in the political, technical, sports and other fields that interest our readers to be presented on the website information site, a comprehensive guide on the human race, in the hope of obtaining your satisfaction and trust. Our visitors C & # 39; is a big nerve that extends from the lower back to each leg. When something strikes or compresses the sciatic nerve, it can cause pain in the lower back that spreads to the hip, buttocks, and legs. Up to 90% of people recover from sciatica without surgery.

The Symptoms of Sciatica:
The most common symptoms of sciatica are lower back pain that extends across the hip, buttocks and down one leg. The pain usually affects one leg and can worsen when you sit, cough or sneeze. The leg may also feel numb, weak, or sometimes palpable. The symptoms of sciatica tend to appear suddenly and can last for days or weeks.

The Difference Between Sciatica and Other Back Pain:
Up to 85% of Americans suffer from back pain during their lifetime. But that does not always involve the sciatic nerve. In many cases, back pain is the result of an increase or tension of lower back muscles. The most common feature of sciatica is the way pain radiates along the leg and into the foot. He may feel like a bad spasm of the leg and continue for several days.

People most sensitive to sciatica:
Most people with sciatica live between 30 and 50 years of age. Women may be more likely to develop the problem during pregnancy because of pressure on the sciatic nerve of the developed uterus. Other causes include herniated disc and degenerative arthritis in the spine.

Causes of Sciatica:
1 – Herniated Disc: The most common cause of sciatica is disc herniation. Discs such as pillows work between the vertebrae of the spine. These discs weaken as you get older and become more vulnerable to infection. Sometimes the gel-shaped center of the tablet pushes the outer wall and presses on the roots of the sciatic nerve. About 1 in 50 people will have a hematopoietic disc at some point in life. Up to a quarter of them have symptoms that last longer than 6 weeks.

2. The narrowing of the spine: Natural erosion of the vertebrae can result in narrowing of the spinal canal. This narrowing, called spinal stenosis, can compress the roots of the sciatic nerve. Spinal contraction is more common in adults over 60 years of age.

3. Tumors of the spine: In rare cases, sciatica can result from tumors developing inside or along the spinal cord or sciatic nerve. When the tumor develops, it can press on the nerves that branch out from the spinal cord.

4. Piriformis syndrome: The piriformis is a muscle that lies at the bottom of the buttocks. Connect the lower spine to the top of the femur and extend directly above the sciatic nerve. If these muscles are convulsed, they can press on the sciatic nerve, causing symptoms of sciatica. Pear syndrome is more common in women.

5 – Money Portfolio: Many do not think that a lot of money can be a source of pain, but your wallet can cause piriformis in men who put it in the back pocket of their pants, It can aggravate the sciatic nerve with time, so you can answer this problem by placing the wallet in the front pocket or jacket pocket.

6. Iliac Arthritis: Acute myocarditis is an inflammation of one or both of the sacred iliac joints, a point that is connected to the lower part of the pelvic spine. Inflammatory muscular dystrophy can cause pain in the buttocks and lower back and can spread to one or both legs. Pain can be aggravated by standing or climbing stairs for long periods. Arthritis can be caused by arthritis, infection, pregnancy or infection.

7. Infection or infection: Other causes of sciatica include muscle inflammation, infection or injury, such as a fracture. In general, any irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve can cause symptoms. In some cases, a specific cause of sciatica can not be found.

Sciatica Test:
To determine if you have sciatica, your doctor will ask you how to start the pain and its exact location. You may be asked to squat, walk on your feet or toes, or lift your leg without bending your knee. These tests can help your doctor determine if the sciatic nerve is injured.

Diagnosis of Sciatica: Imaging
Your doctor may request imaging tests, such as magnetic resonance imaging, for more information on the location and symptoms of sciatica. causes of the irritable nerve. MRI can show the alignment of vertebral discs, ligaments and muscles. CT imaging using a contrast dye can provide a useful image for the spinal cord and nerves. The cause of sciatica can be determined and help guide the course of treatment. X-rays can help identify bone abnormalities but can not detect nerve problems.

Complications of sciatica:
If you have loss of bladder or bowel control, contact your doctor immediately. This can be a sign of an emergency medical condition that requires surgery to prevent permanent damage. Fortunately, this complexity is rare. Most cases of sciatica disappear within a few days or weeks and cause no permanent damage.

The Treatment of Sciatica:
– Ice and Heat: There are steps you can take at home to relieve the pain of sciatica. A heating pad or ice cube can be particularly useful. Place heat or ice for 20 minutes every 2 hours. Try to understand who offers more comfort, or try rotating between them.

– Drug: Over-the-counter pain relievers can provide short-term relief from sciatica. Acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen, are available options. Your doctor can give you a steroid syringe to further reduce inflammation.

– Lengthening: While healing sciatica, try to stay active. The movement can actually help reduce inflammation and pain. The physiotherapist can show you how to gently extend the hamstrings and the back of the back. Practicing Tai Chi or yoga can help stabilize the affected area. Depending on the state of health, some exercises may not be recommended. Your doctor may also recommend walking at short distance.

– Injection: In severe cases, the doctor may recommend the injection of steroids in the spine region to reduce inflammation. The drug is delivered directly to the area surrounding the sciatic nerve.

– Surgery : If your sciatica is due to a herniated disc and still causes intense pain after four to six weeks, surgery may be an option. The surgeon will remove a portion of the cartilage disc to relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve. About 90% of patients are exempt from this type of surgery. Other surgical procedures can relieve sciatica caused by spinal stenosis.

Postoperative Rehabilitation:
After surgery, avoid driving, lifting, or leaning for about a month. The doctor may recommend physiotherapy to strengthen the back muscles and heal completely. The usual natural.

Complementary Therapies:
There is evidence that acupuncture, massage, yoga and chiropractic adjustments can relieve lower back pain. But more research is needed to determine if these treatments are useful for sciatica.

Prevention of sciatica:
If you had sciatica once, there is a possibility to re-infest the infection, but there are steps to avoid it:
– Regular exercise.

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