A device with the size of the ATM card. Does this end diabetes?


Here are the details of this news: A device with the size of the ATM card Does it end diabetes?

A device of the size of the ATM card Does this end diabetes

Posted in Okaz on 26-07-1950

American researchers have developed a small device, the Credit card size can be implanted under the skin for the treatment of diabetes, they bet that it will alleviate the suffering of diabetic patients after the experience of patients of the first type, and the device contains small tubes. The study shows that blood vessels grow in and around the body and help the cells to mature, thus creating a full-fledged member able to produce insulin and control the rate of sugar in the blood.
When the immune system attacks Langerhans cells in the pancreas that produces insulin.
For years, the only treatments for type 1 diabetes consisted of regular injections of insulin, taken several times a day, or with the aid of special pumps
. Sernova Cell Pouch, to treat the cause of the disease rather than symptoms, by cultivating new cells protected from the immune system attack and insulin.
The researchers developed the device from a special and safe polymer. It also contains small tubes in which the cultured cells are placed Two procedures are practiced: first, implantation under the abdominal skin after general anesthesia, leaving about 3 weeks to allow the blood vessels and the tissues grow around it. In the second procedure, doctors inject thousands of small cells into the device. Today, if you have any questions about this news, please visit our website. Please let us know or leave a comment below
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