A "Giant Earth" frozen planet orbits near our solar system


A study of scientific observations collected over a 20-year period has shown that there could be a dark, semi-opaque planet called "Giant Earth" orbiting the closest star to our system solar, said astronomers.

The planet, estimated at least 3.2 times its size, circulates around the star Bernard, a star at the cold mass of the so-called red dwarf. The star is about six light years from the solar system, which is relatively close to astronomical standards. It is thought that the planet completes a cycle around the star Bernard every 233 days. It has already detected nearly 4,000 planets outside the solar system. The planet is the second planet closest to our solar system to be discovered. It is believed to be a "Giant Earth", which represents a class of planets larger than the Earth, but smaller than the massive gaseous planets.

"After a very careful analysis, we are 99% certain of the planet's existence, but we will continue to monitor this fast-moving star to rule out any natural changes whose luminosity is impossible ", said in a statement the researcher Ignacy Ribas of the Catalan Institute for Space Studies and the Institute of Space Science. It may look like a planet.

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