A handful of blue berries are harassing you every day with heart disease



A recent study from the University of East Anglia revealed that eating a handful of berries a day reduces the risk of dying from a 40 percent heart disease .

The study, published in the journal Molecular Aspects of Medicine, indicated that the antioxidants known as anthocyanins, responsible for the color of berries, help lower blood pressure and reduce blood pressure. Inflammation, thus reducing the risk of disease

Studies have examined the relationship between eating anthocyanins and the risk of heart disease, and the results concluded that fruit with two blue berries fruits a day provide a quantity Sufficient anthocyanins to ward off the risk of heart disease.

The study indicated that the effects of anthocyanins are stronger in young adults.

The researchers pointed out the importance of further studies to determine how the effect of anthocyanin on blood pressure, atherosclerosis and inflammation, and believe that antioxidants can cause these effects by changing the levels of bacteria in people's intestines.

Previous research published in October confirmed that blueberries stimulate children's response by 9% because they contain antioxidants called flavonoids, which promote neuronal communication and help renew brain cells.

She explained that there is a useful cognitive effect for the consumption of fruits and vegetables, tea and coffee and even dark chocolate, which contain all the flavonoids.

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