A member of your body who was not discovered later can explain how cancer spreads


Have you ever heard of interstitium?

No? There is nothing wrong with it, it's not the only one, scholars have not heard it either, until recently.

Guess what, I have a new member! The interstitial tissue is your new member.

Scientists first demonstrated their identity because they were better able to detect living tissue on a microscopic scale, according to a recent study published in Scientific Reports.

Scientists have long believed that the connective tissues surrounding our organs were thin and compact.

This is what they saw when they examined it in the laboratory at least outside the body.

However, a mini-camera in a routine endoscopy (gastrointestinal exploration) showed something unexpected: examined in a living body, the connective tissue was transformed into an "open space filled with fluid , supported by a thick collagen hairnet. Pathologist and author of the study, Neil Theise, told Research Gate, "This network of canals runs through the body and acts as a supple and supple cushion that protects limbs from external shocks as the body moves.

Theise argues that the sampling process used to achieve the slides, which is the only way for scientists to examine the fabric in detail, changed the shape of the samples "Taking only a little bit of fabric in this area. In a similar way to roofs in collapsed buildings.

Scientists could see small cracks in the tissue under the microscope, but thought these cracks occurred when the tissue was pulled hard and worn on the slides.

But these cracks were not artificial, they were the remains of collapsed areas and were there all the time but we could only see them when we were able to examine the living tissue.

but the interstitial tissue is not just a "space between cells".

where Theise and his collaborators believe that he should be reclassified as a private member because of his unique and highly qualitative features and composition, which are based on the unique structure and types of cells that he has. ;he forms.

/ Was there all the time.

But when we looked at the living tissue, we could see it

A better understanding of how our body works is never bad, but scientists speculate that these useful properties can work against us by allowing cells cancerous to spread in the body.

Theise team found that in patients with certain malignant cancers, the cells could leave the tissues where they had developed, infiltrating into these channels, and eventually infect the lymphatic system.

The Scientologist of New Scientist: "When they come in, it looks like they're on a water slide, we have a new window on the mechanism of tumor propagation."

Researchers hope to be able to detect cancer much earlier than what they can detect today, thanks to other analyzes of the fluid circulating in the interstitial tissue.

  • Translation: Uday Baksrawi.
  • Verification: Guide Dreams
  • Edition: Nagia Al-Ahmad
  • Source

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