A mysterious disease is spreading in the United States


The health

A mysterious disease is spreading in the United States


Ahmad Kamal / Xinhua

A rare disease epidemic in the United States

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – US doctors have announced an increase in the number of patients with a rare acute spinal cord disease affecting the nervous system in children and related to polio.

According to Science Alert, the number of officially registered infections was 127 in 2018. According to the representatives of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, despite the efforts of specialists who carry out laboratory and other tests, they did not not been able to identify the cause and source of many of these injuries.

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The incidence of the disease has started to increase since 2014, culminating in August and September. The disease is expected to continue to spread, with infections in 22 US states less than 18 years old and four years old.

Currently, there is no special medicine to treat the disease, nor a vaccine against this disease. This disease affects the spinal cord of the spine and can cause permanent paralysis for life. The causes of the disease are still unknown, although doctors think that they could be due to viruses, toxins or genetic disorders.

Source: Linta. Ru

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