A "mysterious" virus threatens to kill 900 million people


A leading medical institute in the United States warned that a serious virus threatens to kill an estimated 900 million people worldwide if scientists fail to develop an effective vaccine in the near future.

According to Science Alert, the "Culd X" virus, which belongs to the "influenza strain", causes respiratory symptoms similar to those experienced by a patient with rhinoceroses, but scientists are still trying to identify it with precision.

And goes from person to person while coughing, and the number of injuries to 400 at the present time, and fifty minutes

People with the "serious" virus suffer from a high fever and in some cases, a hypertrophy of the brain and end up in a coma.

The Johns Hopkins Security Center The United States, a possible scenario for the development of the disease, is likely to kill about 10 percent of the world's population if it is not treated.

Those who put the "likely scenario" say that the result is conservative, and harvest a larger number of victims in the absence of vaccine.

According to Ma The virus could become deadly as the SARS virus that infected more than 8,000 people between 2002 and 2003 and killed 10% of those infected.

SARS is less dangerous than the new virus, This infection in 2002 has not been transmitted from one infected person to another only at an advanced stage, which is the outbreak of the disease.

Although the infection of "Klad X" in the group of influenza, but contains the genetic elements of "Nipah" It is a seriously deadly virus and classified by the 39; World Health Organization (WHO) as dangerous because of the high risk of infection.

Sky News

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