A new guide that confirms the reports on the arrival of the iPad with Face ID this year


A new guide confirms the validity of reports on the arrival of the iPad with a face ID this year. Our Newspaper, citing an electronic, we publishes a new guide to confirm the reports of the arrival of the iPad with a face ID this year, which is about the arrival This year, we send you our visitors News News Today, thanks to our news diary and a news start, a new guide confirms the validity of the reports on the arrival from the iPad with a facial identification.

There have been many reports that Apple will launch a new iPad with a new Face ID property later this year. A developer searched the source code for the latest version of iOS 12 and discovered a new feature to generate an avatar for iPad that indicates that the company could actually launch an iPad ID.

Steve Troughton-Smith discovered that AvatarKit API used by Apple in Animoji, Memoji and other features has been changed in the latest version of iOS 12 to support large screens such as iPad screens. .

The attached image shows what looks like the Animoji interface on a screen similar to that of the iPad. This is not something we've seen before, and this gives credence to reports that Apple is working on an iPad that includes a TrueDepth camera.

In the current mode, the interface does not follow the face as on the iPhone X because of the need for the required sensor array. This is a strong clue that Apple is currently preparing the foundation in its source code for the upcoming iPad that will provide the Face ID feature. Some reports suggest that a new iPad with Face ID could be launched this summer. Apple has not yet confirmed or blocked anything associated with its Face ID tablet.

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