A new leakage image shows us the front glass layer of the Galaxy A8S with a hole for the front camera


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Samsung has unveiled a range of new screens that will be used on its future smartphones. These screens include cracks of different designs called Infinity-O, Infinity-V and Infinity. -U. Samsung planned to launch the Galaxy A8S soon with Infinity-O, making it the world's first smartphone with a front-holed camera.

In case you still suspect it, today we received a new realistic image of the famous Ice Universe universe, which shows the glass layer of the Galaxy A8S and assures us that this phone will have a hole in the upper left corner of the the camera. Before. However, there is no way to validate this image, so it is best to treat it with as little credibility as possible. Despite the fact that Ice Universe is highly credible, many pieces of information that have proved their veracity have been disclosed.

According to rumors, the Galaxy A8S would have three cameras in the back, although the specifications of this camera are still unclear. The fingerprint sensor seems to be on the back of the phone instead of the screen. Finally, we have heard that the Galaxy A8S will probably include the Snapdragon 710 processor and a random 6GB memory.

Fatima Ait Talib

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