A strange disease that causes the amputation of members of one –


The health

A strange disease that causes the amputation of members of one -



A strange disease that causes the amputation of members of a two-year-old child

The doctors had to amputate the upper and lower limbs of a two year old boy because of a mysterious infection that they could not diagnose.

The symptoms of the disease, the child Girima Cox, an increase in fever and nausea on September 29, were transferred to the Riley Children's Hospital of the city of Indianapolis. The child's health deteriorated at an unusual rate, his body was covered with a purple rash, and the doctors could not determine the cause.

The doctors diagnosed the child with septic shock and purpura, caused by a gastric bacteria. Even if the antibiotics seemed to be able to eliminate them, interrupting the flow of blood in the baby's limbs for a while would have allowed the infection to spread again. Therefore, in order to save the life of the child, the doctors had to amputate it.

The 19-year-old's mother said he was actively playing in the park with his classmates and was taken to the hospital as soon as the symptoms of fever and vomiting appeared.

Source: Forum Medicom

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