Advantages and Disadvantages of Hormone Therapy for Menopause


The Advantages and Disadvantages of Hormone Therapy for Menopause

Abeer Mohamed

Women are often exposed to certain diseases such as gland-related diseases, menstrual irregularities or menopause or dementia. Other reasons. The problem, in this article will explain the advantages and disadvantages of hormone therapy for menopause.

Hormonal therapy:
Hormonal therapy is a predominantly menopausal treatment but unfortunately, despite the success of hormone therapy, it harms the health, the idea of ​​hormone therapy depends on the introduction of alternative hormones into the body by the drugs. After menopause produces certain hormones, and used this treatment with women who feel hot or suffer from menopause, have long thought that hormone therapy would reduce the risk of heart disease, but recent studies have found that this treatment much Damage and therefore no longer Mooney treatment is the first choice for the treatment of many diseases.

Benefits of Hormone Therapy:
The benefit of hormone therapy depends on the nature of the dose, whether it is a regular dose or a certain amount of time. 39, a low dose of estrogen, and varies from:

systemic hormone therapy:
Estrogen, which is present in pills or creams, or gel, is one of Most effective treatments for relieving menstrual symptoms, hot flashes and excessive sweating. The estrogen hormone therapy also treats many vaginal symptoms associated with menopause such as dryness, itching, burning, Zam.

Low-dose treatment of vaginal products:
Treatment is carried out by reduced doses of vaginal preparations consisting of estrogen and are in the form of cream or pills or vaginal or vaginal tablets used in the treatment vaginal problems when they are considered lotions What aids in treating hot flashes and excessive sweating.

Treatment with this type of hormone also reduces the risk of heart disease if this treatment is taken early.For women who still have a uterus, they take estrogen therapy with progesterone as the l '. estrogen hormone alone can cause growth Endometrium leading to cancer of the uterus.

Harmonization of Hormone Replacement Therapy:
Many scientific studies have shown that hormone therapy causes some damage such as:
1. Heart Disease
2. Women Are Exposed to Cancer , especially breast cancer
3 – Stroke
4. Exposure to blood clots.

But studies have shown that women who take estrogen only and remove the uterus do not cause them risk, and treatment with estrogen and progesterone makes the breasts more dense, making it difficult breast cancer check or not.

The risk of hormone therapy depends on:
1 – if treatment with estrogen alone or with progesterone together
2. Your current age at menopause
3. Dosage taken.
4 – When there is a risk for cardiovascular health or if there is a genetic family history of the disease.

When to resort to hormone therapy:
Despite the risks induced by hormone therapy, it remains effective treatment in the treatment of menopausal symptoms and menopause is useful in the following cases: [19659012] 1- Loss of bone mass that does not benefit
2. Relief of hot flashes
3. Treatment of the cessation of menstruation before the age of forty
Finally, we would like to emphasize that women should not take hormone therapy themselves. The doctor must determine the appropriate treatment in the condition of each woman.

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