After caused by serious accidents .. Emergency doctors warn of 8 things


Emergency physicians see hospitals in various types of horrible things, from people who have been injured in accidents to people struggling for life, which leads them to develop sensitivity to tools that they fear at home.

According to Sky News Arabia, the first thing that an emergency doctor does not want to see for his children at home is the trampoline, the rubber platform with which many kids are having fun and jumping. 19659004] But the doctor does not see it this way "Many parents have a false sense of security when they have a false sense of security," says Dr. Ferdinando Mirrchi, medical director of the Department of Emergency Medicine of the Medical Center of the University of Pittsburgh.

Button Batteries

These batteries, the size of a coin or less, are used in a car or watch, and because of their small size, children are likely to swallow and may then swallow Gastric bypass, according to the pediatric emergency room physician and regional medical director in Atlanta David J. [1969004] Mattheson says that the battery acid can erode the wall of the esophagus, which can cause permanent disability.

Swimming Pool

No Child Loves Jumping in the Pool and Despite the Skills of Many Children "All my three children swim well and we bring them to the pools, but I feel the danger," says Dr. Dara Kass, Assistant Professor at the Ronald or Perleman Emergency Department of Medicine at the University of New York. ] Stairs and Water Propulsion Machine

For Seth Podolsky, Acting Surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic Emergency Department,

"We often deal with people who have fallen stairs, which resulted in serious and extensive injuries (head trauma, an exhausted lung).


The doctor Emmy Baxter, who works in the children's emergency department of the hospital Scotch Wright, was seriously injured.In Atlanta, many people see people injured or killed as a result of a suicide attempt with a gun or shotgun 004] Baxter says she will not let his children go to homes that know their owners are buying weapons.

Vermicelli Soup

Yes The title is correct: when soup soup, especially vermicelli, According to Dr. David Matheson [19659009] The remains of medi caments

According to Dr. Fernando Merareschi, parents should pay attention to drug residues and try to get rid of them.

Ingesting a powerful painkiller by a child can be fatal.

Emergency physician Bryan Forte works in a trauma center at the Dubege Central Hospital, where most falls affect children under one year of age trying to pull a table seat

Strong: "The fall of a child at this age from a height of only three feet can be broken by the skull."

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