Ahmed Al Qadi reveals the expectations of the towers during the "November" and presents


The head of astronomy and personalities of the Karma International Academy, Ahmed Al-Qadi, told Al-Arab Al-Youm that he was waiting for the tours for November.

He said: Expectations of the 12 rounds for November "November" of 2018:

– Aries:

On November 22, you have astronomical reflections with the sun, but after the 22nd day, the sun will support you and allow you to advance in the profession and function.

It will be a positive relationship with Mercury during the first 17 days of the month and will support you in the decision-making, communication and self-expression of those days, who will retire after November 17th.

As for Venus, you will have astronomical interactions with her throughout this month: it is the planet responsible for love and emotional relationships, but at the beginning of the new year, Venus will support you greatly.

With Mars, you will have good relations with him the first 15 days of the month, Energy Planet, and after 15 days, you will be neutral with him and you will have to do more to get what you want.

The tower of Jupiter returns to its original home, Sagittarius, which will make you positive, it is a planet of abundance and good.

But you have a problem, it's the return of the planet Orans this month, after leaving you on May 15, the planet of revolutions and the planet of powerful and destructive changes, and at the time of his retirement, it will return you its disadvantages. It will have a considerable impact on you. If you want to change something, you can destroy it. Many other things, so you have to say it when you make decisions.

– Bull:

You have big astronomical interactions in this period, we start in the sun, we have problems with the sun and some challenges, and the sun is responsible for the work, it will face serious problems at work.

You also have astronomical interactions with Mercury: he is responsible for communication, travel and self-expression, which will increase the time to retreat from Mercury on November 17th.

Venus has an astronomical contrast with him and there will be love problems and establishing new relationships, but that will not affect you because you are a tower of the Earth and all these pressures will be solved.

You will also face challenges with Mars Power Tower until the 15th of the month, but after 15 days, Mars will support you with all the energy that motivates you to reach all your goals.

Jupiter, who returns to Sagittarius on November 8, does not take advantage of what you have a lot of problems with this planet, a planet of abundance, prosperity and prosperity. Negative desires will increase, such as excessive laziness, excessive hunger and other negative desires. .

– Gemini:

You will face astronomical setbacks at the end of the year, especially in November and December, I was lucky at the beginning of the year, but by the end of the year you will have to do more to get what you want.

You have problems and problems with the sun during the first 22 days of the month, responsible for the job and the profession, you will face problems at work and make no important decisions at work.

It will also face some simple Mercury-related challenges and you will have problems with decision-making, transportation and appearance, and this will increase Mercury's retirement time on November 17th.

You have a very positive relationship with Venus, which is a planet of love and loving relationships.

You will also have positive relations with Mars, a planet responsible for energy, a wonderful planet, which will assist you 15 days a month and after 15 days, you will have adverse effects. You must use the first 15 days of the month.

Jupiter, the planet of abundance, prosperity and prosperity, will return to its home of Sagittarius this month on November 8 and you will not enjoy its return to Sagittarius as you will ask challenges to Jupiter, he will appear lazy or too eaten, do not overdo these negative points.

– Cancer:

You have the support of the sun until November 22, who is responsible for the work, the career and the advancement, and there will be a challenge with the sun after this day, so you should not take decisions about work before the end of the month.

He will also encounter minor Mercury-related issues and you will have problems with decision-making, transportation, and appearance, especially during Mercury's retreat on November 17th.

You also have problems with Venus who is responsible for love and romantic relationships.

You will face problems on Mars, responsible for energy, your desire to achieve your goals and the energy needed to make it a retirement.

Jupiter, who returns home, is Sagittarius, but you will not benefit because you will have problems with Jupiter responsible for abundance, good, prosperity and prosperity, and you will demonstrate of greater laziness and the desire to eat excessive or negative desires.

– Lion Tower:

At the beginning of the month, the sun will be up until November 22, responsible for work and occupation, and after 22 days, the sun will help you.

You have a positive relationship with Mercury and Venus: the Mercury Planet is responsible for communication, self-expression, and nearby travel. You'll get support from Mercury until November 17, because Mercury will be back from of this day and will affect all the towers, not just your turret.

Venus will also support you and you will enjoy tremendous support in playing, emotional relationships and entertainment in general.

But you have some astronomical reflections with the electric tower that is the Mars tower, you have energy problems when you want to do something, but do not worry, the Lion Tower usually benefits from a great deal of energy. card, you are a very strong tower and you will know your energy well.

The good news is that Jupiter's Tower will visit Arc House on November 8 and you are one of the planets that benefit from the move of the buyer in his tower and Jupiter is the planet of goodness, abundance and prosperity.

I advise you to use your strength, your energy and your planetary support this month.

– Virgin:

You have sun support during the first 22 days of November and the sun is responsible for the profession, but after November 22, you will have a difficult relationship with the sun and you will make an effort to reach your goal at work.

This month, you have a negative relationship with Mercury. His planet communicates and makes decisions. You must pay attention to its decline on November 17th.

Venus, the planet of love and the planet of happiness, you are neutral with Venus, it does not support you strongly and does not affect you negatively.

But your problem this month is that you have a problem with Mars, and that this problem can cause damage or accidents, and in general pay attention to the energy of Mars and its impact on you.

The buyer is now returning home, which is the arc tower. You will not get the happiness and good fortune of the buyer, you will make an extra effort to get what you want.

– Balance:

You are in a state of neutrality with the sun until November 22 and the sun is responsible for the profession, work and promotion, it does not support you positively and does not give you a negative. After the day of November 22, you will support the sun until the end of the month.

In the first 17 days of the month, you also benefit from the support of Mercury, a planet of communication and self-expression that makes decisions and moves nearby, until Mercury begins to decline on November 17 and affects all planets.

Venus this month will be at home There is a great opportunity to establish a new relationship or a new love, but it will diminish a little during the month, you should be careful, but you will come back again for you support.

Mars has great support from Mars in charge of energy in the first 15 days of the month, but after 15 days there will be a challenge with that, there will be events but not serious.

Jupiter will return home in Sagittarius on November 8th. You will reap the benefits and reap many benefits of Jupiter's abundance, prosperity and prosperity.

– Scorpio:

The sun is now in your house and he is responsible for the job and the rise of work and work. The sun supports you a lot this month until November 22 and then you will be neutral with the sun and will not be able to give you any negative before the end of the month.

Mercury will remain neutral until it retires on November 17. It will be affected by its negative effect and, before November 17, it will affect you neither positively nor negatively.

Venus is in a state of neutrality with it does not take its advantages or disadvantages this month.

Planet Mars Your energy planet will challenge you until November 15th and you will put a lot of energy into reaching your goals from the beginning of the month to the 15th, but after November 15th, it will give you very strong support until the end. of the month and will give you all the support and energy you need.

The buyer returns home in the arc tower so that you are with him in a neutral state.You have now harvested all the goods from the buyer for a year, but now the buyer is entered the bow.

Overall, November is good for you.

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