Air pollution causes millions of cases of diabetes


In a recent study published today, researchers reported that a new diabetes infection of all seven was caused by air pollution.

Pollution has contributed to 3.2 million new cases of diabetes worldwide in 2016, accounting for about 14%

The link between air pollution and diabetes has made the # Previous research

The researchers, whose results were published in The Lancet Planetarium, "We believe that pollution reduces the production of insulin and causes inflammation, which prevents the body from converting glucose. in the blood energy. "

The proportion of 14% It gets medical data from 1.7 million people of US veterans were followed for an average of eight and a half years. Participants were initially selected for non-diabetic patients.

Researchers developed a statistical model to see how air pollution in the living space could explain their diabetes. The comparison was made with another infection where this pollution is not responsible.

The factors that promote the emergence of diabetes, including overweight and obesity, have been taken into account

. "This is important because many economic pressure groups confirm that current levels of pollutant emissions allowed in the atmosphere are very firm and need to be lifted, and evidence shows that these current levels are not enough solid, "he said. And should be reduced. "

level of contaminated air is higher in countries that do not have strict legislation in this area or where the relevant laws are not well enforced."

and reflects the situation in return "in richer ones like France, Finland and the Icelandic countries. "

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