Al Qasimi Hospital rescues the fingers of 12 amputation children


Sharjah: Aida Abdul Hamid

The medical team specializing in the beauty department at Al Qasimi Hospital in Sharjah performed a remarkable medical operation by rescuing the fingers of 12 children injured by major and sporadic domestic accidents. , And restoration of the tissues of the fingers and fingers of traction, using "scaffolding cells" and tissue and skin, and the construction of cartilage and bone part, and l & # 39; order of growth factors in the body and the wounded place.
Dr. Saqr al-Mualla, deputy director of Al-Qasimi Hospital, said that the cases were very serious and that they were saved by conducting an operation under the supervision of an integrated medical team, confirming their success and that all children are in good health. When the doors were closed on the fingers and the incidence was between 75% and 90%, the amputation was almost complete, as was the cutting and laceration of the skin tissue and lesions of the root nail.
Raed Farahat, director of the laser unit and specialist of plastic surgery at the hospital, said that the "scaffolding cells" restituted the fingers for better healing in 28 days and healed quickly, leaving no scars, twists or pigmentation. With his genetic map, said that the ages of children undergoing surgery ranged from 3 to 10 years, and that such cases were previously exposed to amputation, but with the development of current treatments, he was treated and professionally. , b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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