Ankylosing spondylitis, causes ankylosing spondylitis, symptoms, tests and analyzes, treatment


Ankylosing spondylitis, causes ankylosing spondylitis, symptoms, tests and analyzes, treatment

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a form of chronic arthritis that most commonly affects the bones and joints at the bottom of the spine, when it is connected to the pelvis. These joints can become inflamed and inflamed. The bones of the infected spine can meet over time.


Spondylosing spondylitis is the main type of group of forms similar to arthritis, called spondylitis. Among the forms of this group are psoriatic arthritis and arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease and reactive arthritis. It seems that diseases of this group are not common, the incidence of these cases not exceeding 1%.

The cause of infertility is still unknown. However, genes seem to play a role in this disease, where a tissue test is positive for HLA-B27 for most people with the disease.

The disease begins to appear in people aged 20 to 40 years, but can appear before the age of 10 years.


The symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis begin with intermittent pain in the lower back. This pain becomes most of the time as the condition worsens.

Pain and sweating are exacerbated during the night, in the morning or after a lack of physical activity. The discomfort of the condition can cause the person to wake up from sleep. The pain decreases during frequent activities or exercises. Pain in the pelvic contact area can start with the spine (the sacroiliac joints). Over time, it can move throughout the spine or in a part of it. The lower part of the spine may become less flexible. Over time, a person may have to put himself forward.

Other parts of the body can become infected or become painful, such as:

Pain and swelling of the joints of the shoulders, knees or ankles. The joints between the ribs and the shear bone, so that the person can not fully develop the chest. Swelling and redness of the eye.

Fatigue can also be considered a common symptom.

Less common symptoms include:

Mild fever.

Infectious spondylitis may coincide with other cases, such as:

Psoriasis psoriasis. Ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. Chronic or recurrent eye inflammation (inflammation of iritis).

Tests and tests

The following tests can help diagnose Crohn's disease:

Blood count. Speed ​​of red blood cells (to measure the severity of inflammation). Human leukocyte antigen containing the 27 HLA-B27 antigen (which detects the gene for the incidence of ankylosing spondylitis). Rheumatoid factor (which should be negative). X-ray of the spine and pelvis. Magnetic resonance image of the spine and pelvis.


Your doctor may prescribe medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce swelling and pain.

Some types of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be obtained over-the-counter with aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. Although nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can not be obtained without a doctor's prescription. Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

It may also be necessary to use more effective medications to fight swelling and pain, such as:

Corticosteroid treatment (such as prednisone) used for a short time. Sulfasalazine sulfasalazine. TNF inhibitor (such as etanercept, adalimumab, infliximab, certolizumab or golimumab).

Surgery can be used if the pain is severe or if arthralgia is important.

Sport can help improve the posture and breathing of a person. Sitting on your back at night can also help maintain the natural position of the back.

Ankylosing spondylitis, causes ankylosing spondylitis, symptoms, tests and analyzes, treatment


It is difficult to predict the course of ankylosing spondylitis as the signs and symptoms of the disease recur (nicks) and attenuate (relentlessly) over time. Most people can do well unless they have significant hip damage. Joining a support group and meeting people in the same situation is often a big help.

The use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs often relieves pain and swelling, while treatment with inhibitors of tumor necrosis factor appears to slow the progression of arthritis in spine.

People with rare spondylitis rarely have problems such as:

Psoriasis, a chronic skin disorder. Inflammation of the eye (iritis). Inflammation of the intestine (colitis). Arrhythmia. Healing or thickening of the lung tissue. Scars or thickening of the aortic heart valve.

When to seek medical assistance

Your doctor should be consulted in the following cases:

The emergence of symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis. The emergence of new symptoms in the treatment of spondylitis treatment.

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