Antibiotic-resistant bacteria kill 33,000 Europeans


Gateway Africa News Agencies

November 07, 2018

With the global increase in the consumption of antibiotics, doctors have repeatedly sounded the alarm bells about the dangers of treatment-resistant bacteria..

An Australian science team warned in September against the spread of bacteria resistant to all types of treatments..

According to a new study published this week, antibiotic-resistant bacteria killed more than 33,000 people in the European Union in 2015. The authors cautioned that these resistant germs are jeopardizing health efforts in modern health. Arab.

In a study published in the dioceses of Lancet, a team of EU doctors analyzed data from over a dozen compositions of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in Europe and developed a model showing the effects of antibiotics. incidence and mortality rates of five resistant strains..

The researchers concluded that more than 670,000 people were infected with these five types of bacteria in 2015, resulting in the deaths of 33,000 people..

"The need to integrate antibiotic resistance into emergency care is a vital health information for patients, as well as for the development of alternative therapies for patients with other diseases and at risk. by a decrease in immune capacity or aging, "the researchers said."He said.

The authors of the study indicated that the size of these deaths in the European Union "was similar to the cumulative burden of influenza, tuberculosis and HIV + HIV +" during the same period.

The majority of deaths occurred in children under 12 months of age and people over 65 years of age..

The majority of cases have been recorded in Italy and Greece, and Italy alone has been at the origin of more than a third of deaths due to the bacteria in the Union during the period covered..

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