Apple accuses Apple of monopolizing apps on the Appstore


Yemen News The US Supreme Court will decide Monday whether consumers should be allowed to sue Apple for the monopoly of the App Store, and how iOS devices are designed to run applications purchased only on the Internet. App Store, the plaintiffs claim that it increases the price. Paid apps in the store because the developer gets 70% of the profits charged to paid apps, while Apple keeps 30%.

According to the Indian company Phonearena, the complaint alleges that Apple has established a closed market for iOS applications, but Apple claims to have done nothing more than to provide a market for application developers to sell their products.

According to a report by NBC News, the Supreme Court must determine whether developers or Apple are responsible for the rise in the price of applications because they determine the price of their applications and Apple levies a commission on each sale.

Consumers claim that the trial's payoff could result in lower prices for apps across multiple platforms, which will disrupt not only the app store but also other similar stores across multiple platforms, according to consumers the developers. Google Play on Android phones.

Apple claims to have monopoly applications on the Appstore, this news that we have presented to you via our website.
This news was imported as part of a lawsuit accusing Apple of monopolizing applications on the Appstore. Its main source is the Yemen Arab Web site.
Yemen assumes no responsibility for the content of a lawsuit against Apple to monopolize applications on the Appstore.

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