Apple plans to launch the first iPhone 5G in 2020



Apple, the iPhone phone maker, plans to launch the first 5G 5G-enabled phone on the market in 2020, using the 8060 chip for prototype production.

Apple Inc. plans to use an Intel 5G modem in its range of phones for the iPhone 2020, where the company suffers from "heat dissipation issues" that can increase battery temperature and the battery can be used. damage, according to TechCrunch.

Apple is a year behind to provide this feature to its users, after the first smartphone supporting these networks will be launched next year.

The company is currently facing a problem with Qualcomm, a company that makes a 5G modem, which prevents Apple from using it to provide the technology. Apple is likely to talk to MediaTek about the provision of 5G modems. "But only as a backup plan if Intel fails.

Motorola, Chaoyi, Huawei and Samsung have announced plans to launch these phones in early 2019.

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