Apple plans to use TSMC chips on Mac – UAE News


Oud Al Hazm

A new report is released, which reviews upcoming Apple projects to replace Intel chips used on Mac devices with TSMC processor chips, as well as use TSMC chips in their smartphones.

A new report is released, which reviews upcoming Apple projects to replace Intel chips used on Mac devices with TSMC processor chips, as well as use TSMC chips in their smartphones.

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The success of TSMC chips in the iPhone versions of Apple will likely result in a new change in Apple's plans for the coming period for Macs.

Internal leaks from Apple revealed that the tech giant was planning to expand its business to TSMC, which already provides the A12 bionic chips introduced on the iPhone this year.

According to the new report, Apple will continue to use TSMC chips on the upcoming iPhone phones with A13 and A14 chips, released by analyst Kuo, noting that the expansion of cooperation between the two companies will also include Mac devices.

While Apple is relying on Intel's modem chips for iPhone, it plans to remove Intel's processor chips.

The report also notes that new versions of processor chips designed by Apple and manufactured by TSMC will be officially unveiled in 2020 or 2021.

Apple will not only depend on chips made from TSMC on its devices, but Apple plans to rely on chips made from TSMC to support smart cars developed from Apple.

Apple's smart car is still in development and the actual production of the smart car is expected to begin nearly five years later, according to the report. Apple has the latest leaks, which have so far produced the highest technology in artificial intelligence to support autonomous driving.

The report points out that the Apple smart car needs processor chips with a distinct manufacturing accuracy of 3 or 5 nm, which confirms that the production of this car needs more time because of the launch of the chip processor with precision manufacturing of 7 nm recently.

Apple will not disclose the exact details of its smart car yet, but confirmation of the continued development of the car indicates the expectations of more leaks and reports providing more information on the upcoming Apple technology.

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