Apple releases iOS 11.4.1 with USB restriction mode


Apple released version 11.4.1 of its iOS operating system and released WatchOS 4.3.2 and TVOS 11.4.1 with simple fixes for iPhones, iPads, HomePods and Apple TV platforms, but the most important surprise is that the new version includes a new important security feature: the Restricted USB Mode, a feature designed to prevent intruders from phones and other devices by law enforcement [19659002] Law and private companies that connect the device via Lightning port to pass the phone's password from the iPhone and escape the usual encryption guarantees from Apple.The USB restriction mode has been reported for the first time by ElcomSoft security researchers in May under the beta of iOS 11.4

and the feature disables the Lightning port, which is responsible for charging the device and transferring data after an hour ofdevice lock, although it is still possible to charge the phones via this port, but the device owner must connect with the password or fingerprint USB Accessories Log in to a phone device for your iPhone or iPad iOS 11.4.1 users have the option to enable or disable the function via Touch ID menu settings, Passcode, Face ID and Passcode. Touch ID and password, you will see a new option for usb USB restricted mode accessories, which is disabled by default.

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This means that once you lock a phone for your tablet The iOS OS will no longer allow USB devices to connect to the phone. Device Access access tools such as the GrayKey box to decrypt phones, and you can turn off the option to remove the time limit if you want to continue working and using extensions after one. time. But can still put the company at odds with law enforcement and authorities wishing to access information stored on confiscated iPhones, where law enforcement agencies previously had access and access to data on the phones by connecting them to the ground.

Apple said in a statement about this feature: "We are constantly working to improve the security protection in every Apple product to help customers defend themselves against hackers, thieves and personal data interventions, we are The law enforcement agencies, and we, by our security measures and corrections, are frustrating their efforts to fulfill their duties. "The company confirmed that she made the changes taking into account account of the interests of the consumers mainly. Dedicated tools to allow hardware Police have hacked at suspicious devices, sold at relatively high prices, and it is unclear whether these tools will be updated to circumvent the USB restriction mode or if there are other vulnerabilities iOS security will continue to allow the penetration of the hardware.

In 2016, the company publicly came face-to-face with the FBI after being accused of not helping the agency decipher a criminal-owned phone. Apple said that it was providing a back door Under the iPhone, it means weaken the security of all other iPhone devices, prompting the FBI to hire another company after paying the physical costs to decipher the phone and access information inside.

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