Apple replaces the Lightning port on iPad Pro with a USB port


Oud Al Hazm

Apple yesterday announced the release of new versions of the iPad, which incorporates for the first time the standard USB C ports to replace the Lightning port, as well as the disappearance of the 3.5mm headphone input in these versions.

Apple yesterday announced the release of new versions of the iPad, which incorporates for the first time the standard USB C ports to replace the Lightning port, as well as the disappearance of the 3.5mm headphone input in these versions.

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This year, the Apple iPad offers a range of features and enhancements allowing for increased performance and efficiency in these versions, as well as the iPad Pro with thinner design, finer hardware and Support for Face ID.

The biggest change brought to the iPad Pro this year is the USB C port, which is certainly provided to users of Bluetooth headsets, but will pose a problem for wired speakers.

Apple's John Turnus has confirmed that the new iPad Pro is compatible with a wide range of accessories for wired users, who can connect via USB C.

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Apple also supports users with a new 3.5mm USB C adapter available on the official Apple Store for $ 9, to enable the use of a better wired headset in devices.

Apple has also introduced previous versions of the iPhone with a 3.5mm Lightning adapter, but this adapter is available separately for XS and XR iPhone users this year priced at $ 9.

In addition, the iPad Pro does not have a USB C adapter between the contents of the device box, the user will have to choose a Bluetooth headset or buy an available separately available Apple adapter .

This year, Apple has opted for the USB C standard on the iPad, supporting newer versions in the finest format. The iPad exists in 12.9 inches with a thickness of 5.9 mm, or 15% thinner than last year.

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