Apple Starts to Replace iPhone X and MacBook Pro 13 Due to Recent Issues – UAE News


Oud Al Hazm

There was a problem with the touch functionality of some iPhone X units, as well as another problem causing the loss of data on the MacBook Pro 13. Today, Apple has started to replace the devices and phones presenting these problems.

There was a problem with the touch functionality of some iPhone X units, as well as another problem causing the loss of data on the MacBook Pro 13. Today, Apple has started to replace the devices and phones presenting these problems.

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Apple acknowledged that there was a problem with some units of the iPhone X in the touch feature, which is totally disabled or not responding on the phone screen.

The company also became aware of the problem identified by some MacBook Pro 13 notebook users that was causing data loss.

The company has confirmed the development of a plan to help users by switching free panels for iPhone X phones or completely replacing the unit by users, in case it is confirmed that the device is part of units where the problem of non-response to touch is present.

Apple has also confirmed support for users of MacBook Pro 13 devices manufactured between 2017 and 2018, which have detected the problem of data loss for users due to manufacturing defects in the SSD memory, this which includes this category of devices that Apple plans to replace or repair for free.

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