Arrests in India for the authors of "Watts Ab's Executions"

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Mohammad Azzam , who was working Friday in a communications center in the state of Karnataka, south of India, is the latest in a series of crimes in India triggered by fake messages about the state of India. kidnapping by Facebook's application WattsApp. At least 12 people were killed and more than 12 were attacked during this year.

A policeman from Karnataka said that a crowd of about 50 people had attacked Azzam and one of his relatives after being spotted.According to Reuters,

India is the biggest market for the application of Watsab with more than 200 million users.

The Indian Ministry of Information Technologies has asked Watsab developers this month to take action to to curb the spread of fake messages. Wastab published newspaper ads last week announcing an "education campaign" on how to monitor fake news, adding that it would also start marking posts that were being submitted again.

A spokesman for the company declined to comment immediately. Insp. Sager said that at least 10 officers, including them, were injured while trying to control the attackers.

The murder of Mohammed Azzam, whose police said he was an employee of a communication center in the south of the state of Karnataka, was the last. In a series of crimes in India triggered by fake messages on kidnapping widespread by the application of Wattsp belonging to Facebook.

According to media reports, at least three people have been killed and more than 12 attacks because of these rumors this year. Dilip Sagar, a police inspector in Karnataka, said that a crowd of about 50 people attacked Azzam and one of the worst

India is the biggest market for The application of Watsab with more than 200 million users

The Indian Ministry of Information Technology has asked Watsab to put in place measures this month to limit the spread Messages

The newspaper published an advertising campaign last week announcing an "education campaign" on how to monitor fake news, and added that it would also begin to mark messages that were resubmitted.

A spokesman for the company declined to comment. At once.

Inspector Sagar said that at least ten East officers of them were injured while trying to control the attackers. A parent of Azzam was injured.

Police also arrested the supervisor of a group on Watasab who published fake messages.

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