Aspirin protects against the risk of cancer


News Now Dubai, United Arab Emirates (Mona Awwad)

Two new studies have suggested that a low dose of aspirin a day can help women avoid ovarian cancer or improve their survival.

Medical research finds new and important benefits of aspirin, one of the most important drugs found in modern medicine.

Effective in Preventing a Number of Diseases A recent study has concluded that taking an aspirin pill reduces daily the risk of infection Women have a cancer of the body. ovary 10 percent.

When cancer patients receive the drug twice a week, their chances of survival are increased by 30 percent.

Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory drug, which can help damage DNA's causes of tumor growth, according to US researchers.

The study also said that the drug also prevents blood clots associated with the growth of ovarian cancer, and helps reduce survival rates.

The results indicate that women with ovarian cancer begin to take one to five aspirin tablets on two to five days a week is more likely to overcome the disease.

Ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States, largely because of its late detection.

] Read also:
Pros and Cons of Taking Aspirin Tablets Daily

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