Beetroot reduces pressure and increases muscle tolerance


Studies suggest that eating beet juice helps reduce blood pressure by 3 to 10 degrees. There are other benefits of combining beet nutrients, including increased tolerance to muscles. Here are the most important nutritional values ​​of this plant: Water represents 88% of beet content, and each 100 grams contains 9.6 grams of carbohydrates, 6.8 grams of sugar and 2.8 grams of dietary fiber. The total number of calories in 100 grams of beet is 43 calories.

Nutrients. One serving of beet (100 grams) provides 8% of daily requirements of vitamin C, 5% of vitamin B6, 5% potassium and magnesium and 4% iron. It also contains 78 mg of sodium.

Benefits Improves fiber and digestion and facilitates production. While potassium helps to widen arteries and therefore reduce high blood pressure. While the nitrate contained in the beet benefits the muscles, increases stamina and the best use of oxygen.

Beetroot is a dark red color obtained from antioxidants that limit the effects of aging, a benefit favored by vitamin C as it enters the process of building collagen that lines the skin and strengthens the skin. immunity.

If you are the best athlete to eat beets, one cup contains 110 calories, 22 grams of sugar and 3 grams of protein.

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