Benefits of Cinnamon Cancer


News: Cinnamon benefits against cancer, we always like to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction through our news website News News website, an information website has been Created in 2016 to provide complete news content to introduce you to the news We are working hard to keep up with what is new in the political, artistic, sports and other fields of interest to our readers. [La citation nécessaire] Cinnamon is one of the most unique plants that are used in many areas. The researchers discovered that cinnamon has a unique ability to fight cancer and reduce its spread.

The role of cinnamon in the fight against cancer:
– Cancer is a serious disease that has spread recently in the world. Scientists strive to detect effective treatment. Researchers have discovered that antioxidants play a major role in the fight against cancer. Cancer cells Cinnamon is one of the richest antioxidant plants, because the medicinal benefits of cinnamon are the main source of a compound called cinnamaldehyde, which fights and reduces damage to the skin. DNA, cell mutations and cancer proliferation.

The researchers analyzed cinnamaldehyde found in cinnamon and found that it was fighting cancer on two fronts: the first forehead prevented the growth of the cancerous tumor and protected the DNA from damage. Cancer cells are self-destructive, so cinnamon is an important food for those with a history of the disease in their family. Cinnamon heals the spread of leukemias, lymphomas and cancer cells, because of the enzymes that contribute to cell division, and is an important source, according to a study published by researchers from the US Department of Agriculture. Calcium and fiber, which have the ability to bind and eliminate bile salts and therefore have the ability to prevent colon damage, thus reducing the risk of colon cancer.

The Advantages of Cinnamon Powder and Honey:
Cinnamon powder can be mixed with honey to produce a drink that helps to solve many health problems.This mixture can help strengthen the immune system , eliminate fatigue and stress. On the symptoms of aging, and also this mixture to eliminate bad breath, as it eliminates bacteria in the gums, and it is useful for the treatment of headaches caused by low temperature, and helps with the digestion of food and eliminate acidity and diarrhea. Morning sickness, also helpful in reducing dental pain and reducing inflammation Urology, but not the significance of these benefits that we neglect the drugs and go to the doctor and rely on natural treatments, but these treatments help to reduce the symptoms of diseases and it is essential to go to the doctor. We inform you of our dear visitors Ali Hassan, we hope that you have been informed of the transparency and credibility of the benefits of cinnamon to fight cancer, and do not forget to follow us on the social networking pages of our site to bring you all new political and economic news

Benefits of cinnamon cancer control – News News – News Journal – News: Advantages of cinnamon of the fight against cancer

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