Benefits of eating "camel eye" nuts for kids


The eye of camel or walnut is one of the most useful fruits for man and is characterized by its delicious taste, used for many purposes of cooking or delicacies and can be eaten fresh. The eye of the camel contains very large amounts of vitamins, minerals, proteins and essential fatty acids for health Especially for children, but the eye has to be properly stored because the bad storage leads to rot and the turns into a carcinogen called aflatoxin, a substance very harmful to humans, and the camel's eye is the fruit of a hard and thick outer crust. For a seed with a crust
There are three types of camel eyes:
– camel or black walnut named J. Negra and grown in the eastern part of North America

The name of the English camel is cultivated in Iran
– Hybrid species, widespread in the market and hybrid of English walnuts Despite the special flavor of black walnut, it is not present on the market because its crust is poor

Ain al-Jamal contains huge amounts of essential nutrients for the health of the human body A large amount of protein, similar to animal protein, is also present in a group of vitamins such as vitamins B1, B2, B6, C and H.

The camel eye also contains a wide range of metals such as Iron, Phosphorus, Selenium, Magnesium, Copper Calcium and Potassium

– A the most important nutrients contained in the oe he camel is Omega 3 known for its health benefits, and many people are looking to eat as a dietary supplement because of its importance to children. Works on Zia

– The eye of the camel contains amounts of fatty acids needed to maintain the body's harmful cholesterol because it contains amino acids and sugars

Benefits of the camel eye for children:
– Continue to give the eye of the camel The year helps protect the bones of the child against the spine lesions, which are distortions, and l & rsquo; Camel's eye helps heal this disease through vitamins and the elements that contain it

– Helps the iron in the eye of the camel to protect children from anemia. Common diseases in children in the recent period [2659010] helps treat diabetes in children and increases the hormone melatonin in the blood, which is the hormone responsible for regulating sleep in children, this which helps to develop the child

– Improves the mental and mental abilities in children and increases their levels of intelligence, helps to reduce tonsillitis and increases the immunity of children [19659009] – Relieves pneumonia reactions and provides children with their essential amino acids, essential fatty acids and nutrients

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