Benefits of green apples for kidney health


News: The benefits of green apple for kidney health, we always want to provide you with special information content to receive your satisfaction via our news website News News website, a website of News was created in 2016 to provide you with new information on the Arab and international news Many reliable sources of information, where we strive to follow all that is new on the l & # 39; political, technical and sports arena and other areas of interest for our readers to post on the news site, the benefits of green apples for kidney health

Tuesday, July 17, 2018 04:05 AM News Green apple is the most popular fruit in terms of sanitary importance, distinctive taste and many nutritional benefits, it is a fruit that does not cause sensitivities or problems. In digestion or weight gain or influence on the proportion of insulin in diabetic patients, but has proved important recently for patients with renal insufficiency.
It has been proven through numerous studies and research that green apples provide the body's fibers, potassium and iron, which makes it effective in cases of anemia and constipation but without peeling it. Liquids are necessary ingredients for patients with impaired renal function.

But it is more helpful for kidney patients to remove the shell and seeds from the inside, then cut them off and put them in boiling water and add them to the water. water. Kidney problems because they help get rid of all the toxins accumulated in the kidneys and collect the stones.

Green apples are fruits that have many benefits to including whole body health, not just the kidneys, and the most important benefits are:

1. Green apples limit colon cancer because of the fiber from the accumulation of bacteria and harmful substances causing disease.

2 – facilitates the process of digestion and thus provides a lot of problems and suffering from constipation and diseases of the digestive system, it contains other enzymes that help digestion.

3. Fiber in green apples helps control and eliminate harmful cholesterol for the sake of heart health.

4. Green apples contain tartaric acids and maleic acids that help relieve indigestion and gout.

5 – The green apple is an available antioxidant that protects the DNA and protects against all types of cancer.

6. Doctors recommend eating green apples to reduce liver disease and viruses and activate it to perform all functions.

7. Athletes or individuals who make a major effort prefer to eat green apples because it provides them with an appropriate proportion of carbohydrates that the body needs.

8. If you are trying to lose weight, adding an apple to breakfast each day is enough to provide the necessary benefit to the body with a feeling of fullness and protect the stomach and intestines.

9. Green apples strengthen the immune system's function against infections, microbes and viruses, reducing the incidence of many diseases.

10. The color of chlorophyll in green apples contributes to the protection of this visual level as well as the availability of zeaxanthin and lutein.

11. Recent studies have confirmed that green apples protect brain and brain functions and protect humans from Alzheimer's disease to provide vitamin B and antioxidants.

12. It has the calcium component needed for bones and teeth to prevent osteoporosis and dental problems.

Green apples must be provided at all ages, it is a fruit completely safe for the health of patients and protects the body against disease.It is recommended to consume fruit fresh or juices specially for children.

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