Benefits of slimming cantaloupe – Journal is


The benefits of melons for thinning, a secret of the secrets of a healthy diet, as it provides the body with lower prices for high nutritional value of elements, vitamins and fiber, able to suppress appetite and protects the body against multiple diseases. "Food is the most important food for all ages without exception," said nutritionist Shawqi of Jeddah. Potassium, fat in general, "the task is free

Melon is an integral part

Dr. Bassim pointed out that fat burning is not done by a specific food, but rather by combining a range of foods , vegetables and fruits in a healthy diet to lose weight and synchronize (19659002) Benefits of melons for slimming

Dr. Bassem has identified the benefits of melons for slimming, which is the basis of any healthy diet In the following:

  • gives the feeling of fullness for long periods
  • Improves digestion and prevents constipation during weight loss.
  • Maintains health of skin against dehydration or thinning during the period of thinning of the body.
  • Melons help to burn fat, especially if they are eaten before. (19659009) helps build muscles Park e they contain a high proportion of useful proteins.
  • The melon regulates the consumption and burning of energy in the body during weight loss [19659009] Protects the skin from the problem of cellulite caused by excess or weight loss.
  • Protects the face from all sides

Recipes from melon to slim down

You can consult your doctor to add melons to your list of health plan, to determine the appropriate method and how to enjoy the benefits to reduce your weight using with the following recipes:

  • Lemon melon juice and some honey
  • Lemon melon juice and some honey
  • Dried cantaloupe with creamed yoghurt and a little bit of honey # 39; oats.
  • Aperitif that contains "melons, cream cheese, cucumber, red pepper, onion, vinegar, olives and some basil seeds AZJ."
  • cubes of melon with strawberries and raspberries added some oatmeal flakes cooked.
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