Best Eye Care Centers and Vision Correction in Dammam


News: The best eye care and vision correction centers in Dammam, we always like to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction through our news site, a site of interest. Information was established in 2016 to provide comprehensive content The Arab and international arena of many reliable sources of information, where we strive to follow all that is new on the political arena, technical and sports and other areas of interest for our readers to post on the News News site, the best eye-treatment centers and correct the bite

Sunday 1 July 2018 19:11 News News In the recent period, it has become possible to treat many different diseases of vision, This is based on a large number of modern technologies.Furthermore, there are many medical centers in Dammam providing the latest technical he visual therapeutics, including the following:

Al-Kahhal Center for Ophthalmology
Ophthalmology in Dammam, as well as the center provides the latest therapeutic technology for the treatment of eye diseases The center is also divided into a section for glaucoma, as well as a section dedicated to the treatment of nerves, the center also provides many orthopedic surgeries for the eyes, as well as the center specializing in the treatment of eye diseases for children. 0553809777.

The Moroccan Center for the Eyes
The center is one of the most important centers in the Arab world and it brings together a group of high-level specialists in the treatment of eye diseases. The Center also provides many different treatment methods, in addition to providing the latest technologies that can be relied upon in the treatment of vision correction, and also provides a specialized section in the treatment of children and the repair of the period and others With the company at telephone number 00966590058870.

Al Mowasat Hospital
This hospital is one of the most important hospitals offering many services in the eastern region of the Kingdom , offering many different services and offering many treatment services. Provide a service for the treatment of skin diseases and cosmetics, as well as a unit for the treatment of infertility and the fertilization process, in addition to providing the best medical services for the treatment of eyes, and this center has been attached to many modern devices and technologies And the operation of Lasik and Alf

Dhahran Eye Hospital
The hospital offers many treatment services, among which are many services, including the treatment of bones, skin and general surgery. The hospital is also working to bring the latest therapeutic techniques to correct vision and eye treatment, especially those that can detect the bottom of the eye and identify the strength of eye pressure. In addition to providing the latest technology used in vision correction and treatment of the problems related to the direction of the cornea and others, and can be contacted with the hospital on the phone number 966138914227.

Al Mana General Hospital
The hospital provides numerous therapeutic services and specialized medical services, including the treatment of children, treatment of incurable diseases, bones and many other medical services. treatment. , Which is based on the latest technology and international research specialized in this field, and can be contacted with the hospital on the phone number 920033440

News: The best eye care and vision correction centers to Dammam, we inform you We will tell you the news in full transparency And do not forget to follow us on the social networking pages of our site to bring you all the new political, economic, technical and sports news, health news and various news, Powell on our website News News: The best eye care centers and vision correction

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Source: Mursal

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