Best software to recover lost files for iPhone and iPad ..


  Best Software to Recover Lost Files for iPhone and iPad .. Learn
Best Software for Recovering Lost Files for iPhone and iPad .. Learn

Best Software for Recovering Lost Files for iPhone and iPad. Al Ahsa publishes the best software to recover lost files for iPhone and iPad .. Discover, the best programs to recover lost files for iPhone and iPad .. Know them we send you our visitors News News Today thanks to our diary and dialogue with the beginning of news, the best programs To recover lost files for iPhone and iPad .. know them.


In the following lines, we review the best programs to recover lost files on Apple iOS devices such as iPhones and iPads:


One of the best lost file recovery programs is the development of the famous WONDER SHARE, which effectively recovers lost data as soon as you connect your iPhone or iPad to your PC.

The program is also able to restore backups to iCloud or iTunes and can restore all images, messages, calendar, reminders, call log, bookmarks, voicemails, notes, attachments and more. Paid $ 69.95.


is also one of the best programs for recovering lost files of different types for the Apple OS operating system. There are separate versions of Mac OS and Windows.

The program has a simple user interface and fast work and content results, and the free version can recover a small portion of the lost data for free, while the recovery requires the paid version $ 59.95.

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Source: Al-Ahsa Diary

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