Beware .. Lack of sleep calls you "Alzheimer's"


  Beware .. Lack of Sleep Calls You "Alzheimer"
Warning … Lack of Sleep Calls You "Alzheimer"

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"Alwan News" [19659005] A new scientific study at the Wisconsin Institute Alzheimer's disease, the lack of adequate sleep hours is a direct cause of the disease, the accumulation of harmful amyloid proteins in the brain.

The researchers were surprised that a night of bad sleep can show poor results for protein levels, and that a good sleep acts as a natural cleanser for harmful proteins.

The study found that the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease increased by 68% compared to those who have enough sleep, after a thorough study involving 1,500 volunteers for over 16 years and aged between 40 and 65 years old.

On the other hand, scientists took a picture of a volunteer's brain after a sufficient period of sleep and found that low protein amounts found a high concentration in the brain region after have been deprived of sleep for 31 hours. With constant vigilance or vigilance. Global statistics show that there are about 47 million Alzheimer's disease patients worldwide and that by 2030, it is expected to reach 75 million patients worldwide and of Here in 2050, it will reach 132 million. That 70% of patients with Alzheimer's disease will come from developing countries.

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