Beware .. Sit for more than 6 hours of continuous mortal danger


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The results of an American study confirm that prolonged sitting is very dangerous.

The results of the study indicate a relationship between low motor activity and the risk of death due to a range of diseases.

Researchers have shown that if a person stays in a sitting position for six hours or more a day, the risk of death increases by 19%, compared to those who spend less than three hours sitting.

Triglycerides, glucose, insulin and blood pressure.

It has also been observed that those who spend a lot of time sitting tend to eat more food.

The study confirms that a prolonged session can cause a range of diseases: cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, motor system diseases, kidneys, lungs, liver, gastrointestinal tract, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and neurological disorders. There is also a relationship between prolonged sitting and the tendency to commit suicide.

Researchers based their findings on data on 128,000 healthy men and women collected for 21 years, 49,000 of whom died.

Dr. Alba Patel, "The simple messages are that we have to move more: the shorter the session, the better it is: breaking a sitting hour with two minutes of light activity can improve cholesterol and sugar levels in the blood, as well as blood pressure "

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