Blow causes and treatment of the sun


The causes of sunburn and treatment will be recognized by this subject, being a health condition that affects humans and has a number of serious health complications, and the fact that they are ..

Causes of sunburn: The main cause of sunburn is the sun and its exposure and lies directly under its rays without any means of protection and for long periods of time pursuit especially at peak times.

  • Hypertension
  • Pulmonary hypertrophy.
  • Pulmonary hypertrophy.
  • Sweating too much and not sweating.
  • Fainting.
  • Fever treatment:
    • which is rather first aid after exposure to insolation:
    • The victim was moved away from the sun.
    • Relieving clothes.
    • Cooling of the body with direct air and water
    • Putting ice packs in hypothermia
    • Transfer of victim to the hospital

    Note: Before or after this treatment, please consult Doctor

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