Breast cancer .. a nightmare for women


Breast cancer has spread horribly in many countries of the world, which has become a nightmare that threatens the lives of many women, began to appear at different ages and where most families have been infected.
As the month of October draws to a close, calls for prevention are active, as is the month of awareness of this type of cancer, which is the most prevalent cancer affecting women around the world. that the deaths of many women. And very high degree.
Experts advise spreading the culture of awareness and knowledge of the early signs and symptoms of the disease in order to control and prevent its spread in the body, preferably periodic or regular reviews at each period, in order to determine the situation and perform the necessary work when in doubt.
The modern way of life can be a major cause of infection, just like contraception, just like the pollution that surrounds us everywhere – in the water, the air, the food and d & # 's; 39 other factors.
In this survey, we examine in detail the signs of breast cancer and how to prevent as much as possible, the treatment methods followed and some modern methods, as well as the causes of the disease in general.
Dr. Arif Hammam, a consultant in general surgery, explains that breast cancer is an abnormal and uncontrollable reproduction of breast cells, that it is not limited to women, that it can infect certain men, and that is the second leading cause of death in women after lung cancer. .
The appearance of breast cancer often begins in the lining of the milk ducts and can be activated in the lobes that feed these ducts with milk and then move to other parts of the body.
Studies have shown that early diagnosis of breast cancer through regular and periodic examinations is a necessity and should also be a self-examination and become normal behavior every month.
He adds d. Hammam: Studies have recorded the highest number of breast cancer deaths in low-income countries as a result of late-stage diagnosis.

Possibilities of healing

Despite the steady increase in disease each year, significant advances in diagnosis and early detection have significantly increased survival and survival rates, as well as ongoing awareness campaigns that have reached many places.
Experts say that to date, it is not certain that one of the factors is the main cause of breast cancer and, therefore, the early detection of this disease, the basis of the fight against the disease and the prevention.
The chances of breast cancer healing increase dramatically if they are detected early, and the process of diagnosis and early treatment starts to eliminate it at an early age and reduce it near full recovery.
Dr. Arif says that the chances of recovery decrease if it is too late to detect it, because the effectiveness of a treatment is more difficult and it only takes more time in advanced cases and tries to eliminate the most malignant cells, but it will escape control.

Pollution and plastics

There are a number of factors and causes of the disease, and can not be referred to a specific cause, there is an overlap between many factors, incentives, conditions and environment appropriate for the growth of this cancer in women.
The spread of cancer in this scary image of recent years can return to the contaminated lifestyle, where the spread of plastic tools in all areas of life, including chemical compounds that stimulate the emergence of cancer cells including the disease, food placed in plastic bottles as well as meat, Plastic bottles, the majority of the bags that carry all the belongings are plastic.
The danger of plastic is the release of very harmful chemical compounds when they interact with heat or cold, the poor types of which are a source of continuous pollution, yet entering the finer details of our lives.

contraceptive pill

Dr. Allen Abdullah, a gynecologist and obstetrician, said, "The contraceptive pill widely used in many countries around the world may be one of the reasons: after years of use, the body is saturated with estrogen, which disrupts the body's natural system, Activate malignant cells and the onset of the disease.
Oral replacement therapy increases the risk of infection due to increased levels of estrogen in the body.
Estrogen is also found in the meat and poultry we eat, as well as in some water sources, vegetables and fruits, which causes an increase in the hormone in the body and the possibility of contracting the hormone. 'infection.

Genetics and menopause

The genetic factor is also one of the causal factors and increases the risk of infection, because its family history increases its chances and about 8% of women are infected by the genetic system, with other stimuli such as age and high infection rates.
Menopause and menopause are an important factor in infection, as are tissue density, benign tumors and some protrusions. Dr. Abdullah: Early puberty, late menopause and obesity can be taken into account because cancer cells are active in the environment of being overweight and fat because they are feeding of fat, multiply and stimulate proliferation.
It has also been shown that smoking is a cause of cancer in general and breast cancer in particular, as well as exposure to radiation such as chest radiotherapy, including such factors as laziness, motor activity and physical.
In some women with a history of cancer of the uterus or ovarian, the first pregnancy has proven to be one of the causes of the disease. And the availability of some of the causes and factors of the past is not a proof of the onset of the disease, many women exposed to a number of these factors have not been infected with the disease and some women have no causes and factors of the past, and yet infected with the disease, periodic review is necessary.

Blocks are rough and solid

The detection of the signs and symptoms of early breast cancer can be the cornerstone of this disease, and therefore awareness campaigns, posters and advertisements focused on the definition of women as these signs of the speed of detection, Examination and taking necessary.
There are important signs of disease activity, including the appearance of lumps of concrete in the breast or underarm armpits and are not painful, and these malignant blocks are characterized by a roughness of the surface and steel and irregular edges.
Dr. Allen: It is easy for women to identify these blockages through manual review and to use the specialists or self-examination methods published on the posters to raise public awareness of the disease in more detail. many places and on the Internet.

Transparent and bloody secretions

And the emergence of secretions transparent or mixed with blood or green or yellowish color, evidence of a problem, may be a benign selective infection, but increases the risk of breast cancer, and should in this case go immediately to the specialist for testing and confirmation.
In the case of breastfeeding and pregnancy, the discharge of secretions of normal things, which are not worried and normal at this time, but if these flows occur in normal times, the l 39; analysis must be made of these illogical secretions.

Red spots

There are some abnormal changes in the appearance of the breast skin, including itching, redness and peeling of the skin, as well as wrinkles, pills and boils. In this case, consult a specialist to determine the cause of these problems.
The appearance of some red spots, which are not easy to cure, is a sign of the onset of the disease and also a rash in the breast. At this point, it's not a neglect or a desirable delay because these are preliminary symptoms of the disease. The redness of the skin, which quickly becomes orange, and the appearance of rashes are signs of the disease that must be taken seriously.

Distortions and brakes

The presence of bumps in the breasts or a size change requires a doctor and the appearance of an abnormal skin on the breast can also be a sign of the disease, says doctor Nazoura Sadik, obstetrician and gynecologist.
The appearance of solid protuberances under the skin of the breast and underarms can also be a symptom of the disease. Breast pain is often observed before and during menstruation, but if the pain does not go away at the end of the menstrual cycle, it should be examined.
Evidence suggests that most mammary masses that appear are not malignant. However, screening and testing should be done as soon as they occur to make sure that they are benign and non-carcinogenic.
There are other signs that many women are unaware of, including the appearance of some skin-like orange peels that do not attract women's attention when they come into contact. 39, self-examination, but a very common sign of breast cancer.

Gum and freckles

The appearance of freckles on the skin indicates skin problems, which should be reported immediately to a dermatologist because some freckles or abnormal skin may be a symptom of inflammatory breast cancer, more ferocious type.
She adds d. Friend: Breast augmentation or volume increase during certain periods of the menstrual cycle and pregnancy lead to disregarding the brand when breast cancer, especially in case of swelling of the breast, should be taken seriously in normal times.
Sudden change in the size and shape of the breast without justification or cause, it becomes a sign of breast cancer, which involves a quick examination and diagnosis.

Healthy food and sport

Dr. Nazoura explained, "Breast cancer can be prevented by certain simple procedures, such as maintaining a healthy diet, eliminating overweight, regular exercise, removal of hormonal drugs. and taking estrogen blocking medication after the age of 50, which has the factors of the disease, commits to breastfeeding longer and quitting.

Surgery and Chemistry

Breast cancer treatment requires a combination of methods to get rid of cancerous tumors: a rapid procedure in which the tumor is completely removed, as well as the surrounding part of the tumor to ensure that all infected cells are eliminated as well as the lymph nodes nearby.
The second step is radiotherapy aimed at destroying the remaining infected cells. It takes about 4 weeks of surgery, as well as doses of chemotherapy, to destroy all the non-visible cancer cells.
Chemotherapy is used to remove cancer cells that may have spread to other parts of the body.

Continuous increase

According to the latest reports of the World Health Organization (WHO), about 1.5 million new infections occur each year, of which about 540,000 die, and women in developed and developing countries suffer without discrimination. Reports report a steady rise in infection rates each year in poor countries.
The breast cancer rate among women is estimated at about 17% of all other cancers and about 71% of all deaths in developing countries.
Breast cancer appears at a high rate in North America, with an average population of South America, West Asia, and Eastern Europe. African countries have a lower level, but they have started to increase significantly.
There are differences in survival rates between infected persons: the incidence is about 83% in the following countries: Japan, Sweden, Great Britain and North America, and falls to 58% in middle-income countries and 38% in poor countries.
The increase in the number of deaths in countries is due to a number of factors, the most important of which is the lack of awareness, the lack of early detection programs, the low level of health care in these countries and the weak methods of treatment in general.

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