Breastfeeding and its benefits for the mother and the child


Breastfeeding and its benefits on mother and child Al-Hawar, citing the Arab morning, we publish breastfeeding and its benefits on the mother and the child , breastfeeding and its benefits on the mother and the child. And the child

Journal of Al-Haywar Breast milk is everything for the child, who represents his food and drink since his birth and during the first months of his life.

Breastfeeding is the ideal solution to feed the baby and improve his health, and protect him from any health problem, in the short and long term. Breastfeeding is a divine process that strengthens the relationship between the mother and her child. The mother and the child feel the love and tenderness. Therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that all mothers be breastfed, given their many and varied benefits. Through this article, we will introduce you to the most important health benefits of breastfeeding on the mother and the baby. 1. Breastfeeding to improve the immunity of children

Breastfeeding greatly improves the functions of the immune system, as it contributes to resistance to viral diseases and bacterial diseases This penetrates the body of the child causing it a lot of great physical damage. Breastfeeding also helps the immune system play its role effectively and motivate it to fight the disease and prevent transmission. This is because breast milk contains a very large proportion of special dietary compounds that are not available in any other package of formula milk.

2. Breastfeeding to stimulate the intelligence of the child

One of the most important health benefits breastfeeding during the early years of the child is that it activates the child's intelligence has increased significantly, and helps to strengthen brain function and strengthen Memory. Several recent scientific studies have shown that breastfeeding is closely related to children's high IQ, given the role of breastfeeding in improving the child's visual and hearing aids, the proximity of the skin and the contact of the child with his mother during breastfeeding. Safe

3. Breastfeeding to protect the child against diseases

The benefit of breastfeeding and breast milk is the protection of one's mother against the risk of chronic diseases . Breast milk protects the child against serious cancer because it contains very high levels of natural chemical compounds and antioxidants, which in turn resist cancer for life. Breastfeeding helps reduce the risk of heart disease, cardiovascular disease and arteriosclerosis.

The Benefits of Breastfeeding for the Mother

Lactation is widely used and constitutes the universal food of the child from birth to small childhood. (19459006)

One of the most important health benefits of breastfeeding after birth is that it is what helps them protect against the risk of exposure to breast and ovarian cancer, because the body of the woman during the lactation period produces a little estrogen, which is is one of the leading causes of cancer in women.

2 – Uterine reduction and weight loss

Breastfeeding after birth by the role of reducing the size of the uterus and bringing it back to normal, thanks to the increase of oxytocin During the lactation period. In addition, breastfeeding is a natural stimulant for losing weight and eliminating the excess calories that women gain during pregnancy.

3. Protection against osteoporosis and heart disease

Lactation greatly protects the mother against osteoporosis. And reduces the feeling of women's pain in bones and joints that are exposed after birth, and works to strengthen the muscles of the joints and muscles of the uterus and the pelvis again. Breastfeeding also limits women's potentially life-threatening cardiovascular disease and prevents them from becoming obese.

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Source: Sabah Al Arabi

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