Cactus gel and its role in the treatment of diabetes


High blood sugar occurs when your body can no longer produce insulin, your cells do not respond properly and this advanced stage of insulin resistance produces many symptoms.

Diabetes is so widespread that it is called a global pandemic. In most cases, it is not controlled. There are many treatments and medications that can be controlled, but the side effects can be devastating.

Cactus and diabetes treatment

– The cactus is a semi-tropical plant characterized by thick leaves. It often grows in homes and produces a thick and transparent gel or "latex" of sores and burns. There are traditional uses for the treatment of constipation, asthma, headaches, arthritis and diabetes. For the treatment of seborrhea, psoriasis, genital herpes and constipation.

Nine scientists analyzed the cacti and found that diabetics with blood glucose levels greater than 200 milligrams a day were more likely to benefit from oral cacti.

– People who took oral cactus reduced their fasting blood glucose (about 47 mg / dL) and their HbA1C (a measure of average blood glucose in the last two or three months) decreased by 1.05%.

– Cactus contains abundant active ingredients, containing 75 compounds in the outer shell and inner gel, and scientists noted that they include enzymes, minerals, anthraquinones, monosaccharides, lignin, saponin and salicylic acid, phytosterols and amino acids, in which helps to control hyperglycemia.

Manganese, zinc, chromium and magnesium have already been identified as important agents of glucose metabolism by increasing the effectiveness of insulin. Another study has shown that antioxidants and phenols contained in Aloe vera could also clean free radicals.

Effect of cacti for the treatment of diabetes

– A study has revealed that the cactus contains anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant functions. Another article published in the Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders found that the use of aloe vera extracts in diabetics could inhibit hypoglycemia in four weeks, but after eight weeks, it can relieve abnormal fat.

– According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrients, aloe vera supplementation significantly reduced fasting blood glucose, as well as reduced glycemia in diabetes mellitus compared with insulin resistance genes and also in patients with diabetes mellitus. Inhibitory inhibition, which stimulated activated AMPK protein kinase, to enhance metabolic disorders.

How to treat diabetes by following a lifestyle approach

– Eat diets low in fiber and carbohydrates.
– Calculate your carbohydrate as less than 50 grams a day.
– Eat an adequate amount of fiber
– Exercise is also very important for preventing and reversing type 2 diabetes.
– Among the other recommendations for the prevention of type 2 diabetes, it is advisable to avoid processed foods.

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Source: Al-Mersal

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