Carpal tunnel syndrome. Neurological problem


Many people suffer from pain and numbness in the hands, which are due to nerve compression, which runs through the wrist or wrist area, called the median or median nerve.
This condition is called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or Carpal Tunnel, a neurological health problem that has increased in the current age. This syndrome may be a minor problem and may require treatment that may result in surgery at other times. This condition occurs when continuous pressure is exerted on the median nerve, a nerve that passes from the hand along the forearm and into the palm of the hand, through a tunnel in the wrist called the carpal tunnel.
In this section, we discuss in detail the disease of carpal tunnel syndrome, with the symptoms of the resulting infection, possible prevention methods and traditional and modern treatment methods.

The median nerve

The median nerve is controlled approximately on the inside of the palm of the hand, thumb and fingers, except for the little finger and some muscles of the hand. The nerve spreads the soles of the thumb and fingers with sensation.
There is a channel in the wrist in the form of a passage consisting of several strings and bones, passing through the median nerve pathway and increasing the intensity caused by inflammation of the tendon or external pressure on the canal causing pain, weakness and numbness, the pain can extend to the following stages up to the hand forearm
The incidence of this syndrome in those who need the nature of their work routine such as the installation of things or the large number of prints on the computer, and generally suffer from the dominant hand early, and more serious, and women suffer from this syndrome more than three times, and often see this situation between the ages of 30 to 60 years.

Tunnel tunnel

Doctors describe the wrist tunnel as a narrow tunnel in the wrist, and the wrist bones form the floor of the tunnel, while the roof of the ligament is called the transverse ligament.
This ligament consists of a fibrous tissue that connects the cartilage and bones, as well as the median nerve and tendons that move the fingers and are covered with a thin membrane.
Swelling of the nerve or tendons or both occurs as a result of compression of the median nerve in the wrist tunnel, which may be caused by tassac of the transverse ligament, which causes pain, numbness and numbness in the wrist tunnel. the palm and the fingers.

Narrow tunnel channel

The researchers noted that there was often no specific cause of carpal tunnel syndrome and that, perhaps, the narrowing and rigidity of the carpal tunnel channel cause compression of the middle nerve as a result of swelling or inflammation, and therefore pain.
The symptoms of the syndrome can be caused by bruising or bleeding inside the tunnel or by a fracture of a bone which constitutes the bottom of the tunnel, in particular because of the trachea trachea due to excessive use. of the hand and frequent movements of the hand and wrist. Repeated strikes.
To do this, carpal tunnel syndrome is frequently used by people who use vibrating hand tools, as well as by employers who expose them to long positions, such as writing on the dashboard, embroidery, musicians and handball.

L & # 39; arthritis

The swelling of tissues and bones surrounding the wrist tunnel is also due to wrist swelling: inflammation of the joint, hypothyroidism, increased secretion of growth hormone by the pituitary gland, obesity or pregnancy.
Carpal tunnel syndrome can be caused by nerve damage due to wrist fracture or nerve damage associated with a complication of diabetes leading to symptoms similar to those of the syndrome.
Certain factors increase the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome or aggravate median nerve injuries, including wrist structure, where fracture or dislocation of the wrist changes the void within the carpal tunnel, increasing the pressure exerted on the wrist. on the median nerve.

Women and men

People with a smaller carpal tunnel are more likely to suffer from this syndrome, which is mainly due to the fact that carpal tunnel syndrome is more prevalent in women, perhaps because the carpal tunnel area is relatively more small as the disease. Which is in men, and has less vacuum to resist any pressure.
This imbalance is common during pregnancy or after menopause because water retention increases pressure in the carpal tunnel, thereby irritating the median nerve. The symptoms of the syndrome usually lessen after pregnancy.

Progressive start

The symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome begin gradually, when the patient feels numbness and tingling on all three fingers, namely the thumb, index and middle, which can reach the ring of the finger and can s & # 39; 39, with a feeling of discomfort on the wrist and hand.
The patient usually feels tingling and numbness at night or when he wakes up every morning. It occurs during the day when it grabs a phone, a newspaper or a steering wheel, and that it looks like a brush pinch.
The symptoms start at the patient's wrist and extend to the hand. The pain is felt in the forearm. The pain does not extend beyond the forearm area. It can worsen at night and cause the patient to wake up.

Weak hand

The patient finds that the pain decreases several times with the trembling of the hand, which allows him to feel better and the patient loses the ability to hold objects due to weakness and numbness of the hand.
The weakness of the fingers can also occur over time, especially the thumb and the first two fingers, which weakens the grip and makes difficult the seizure of the pot or the button of the shirt, for example.
Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause sensory problems, some feel that their fingers are swollen, although there is no swelling, and may have difficulty distinguishing hot from cold.
Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, which appear on examination, include symptoms of neurological stimulation, sometimes atrophy of the thumb muscles.

Useful actions

Carpal tunnel syndrome needs to be treated as soon as possible and some patients use a variety of procedures to relieve symptoms, including frequent and frequent rest periods for resting hands that result in numbness or numbness in the hand , while trying to avoid them.
And reduces the position of the cold compresses of accidental swelling, and can be used sound waves, and is installed wrist and reduced movements through the use of a splint on the wrist and hand at night only at early, and used day and night in the absence of result, and available in pharmacy without Prescription need.
It is advisable to avoid sleeping on the hand to relieve pain, as well as to recommend the use of practical tools at work, in order to avoid any pressure on the wrist, and therefore on the average nerve, for example, make sure that the computer's keyboard level is low enough. The hand is raised or there is pressure on the wrist and the middle nerve, and when the pain persists, consult your doctor.

Cortisone and vitamin B6

Carpal tunnel syndrome can be treated with drugs containing nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as propane and aspirin. Vitamin B6 gives good results in treating the symptoms of the syndrome, according to research that has proven the effectiveness of the vitamin, provided that it does not exceed 200 mg per day, nerve damage.
Cortisone injections also cause a rapid loss of symptoms, which are administered to the hands of the carpal tunnel, but the symptoms are likely to reappear.
The laser can be used in therapy because it penetrates the skin and tissues, stimulates the middle nerve and increases blood circulation, thus avoiding the patient's need for surgery.

Two ways of surgery

The surgical option is left out after the failure of all these steps and the worsening of the symptoms. This intervention is simple and its success rate is about 85%.
The operation consists of the dissection of the transverse carpal tunnel, which constitutes the roof of the carpal tunnel, which allows to release the median nerve during the tunnel without pressure of the transverse ligament. The hand can be used after several weeks or a few months of surgery.
There are two types of surgery for the treatment of carpal tunnel, the first is open surgery, in which the doctor performs total or partial local anesthesia, then a surgical cut in the hand length of 1.5 to 2 inches. wrist, until the appearance of the transverse ligament, which cuts carefully, and then the wound is closed.
A compression ligament and a postoperative pad are used to maintain the joint for a week or two, the hand raised and held down until the tumor is reduced and a more comfortable arm lever.
Laparoscopic surgery, the second most recent method, consists of a very small incision on the wrist, through which a small telescope penetrates and a small machine cuts the transverse ligament.

Periodic comfort

A recent study suggests that carpal tunnel syndrome can be prevented by providing periodic resting of the hands every 10 to 15 minutes for several minutes, moving the hands and wrists vertically in a different motion for one minute without exhaustion. extended hands.
It is also advisable not to bend your hands all the time, keeping your hands and wrists in a straight and upright position.
You must avoid forcing too much when performing a task with your hands, and when exercising, follow the safety instructions and exercise properly.
Rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases that may be at the root of this annoying condition need to be addressed.

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