Castor oil for the face How to use it?


Castor oil for the face has proven its effectiveness and many benefits to the face and skin in general. In this article, we offer you the health benefits of castor oil and its properties in the treatment of wrinkles and skin blemishes, dark circles and black eyelashes and all over the face. Castor oil is extracted from castor seeds, castor plant is a plant contains many fatty acids, vitamins, proteins and minerals, which are excellent in skin care and treatment problems. It also acts as a diuretic, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial.

  Castor oil for the face
Castor oil for the face

Castor oil for the face:

Castor oil for the face to remove stains and lighten the skin:

L & One of the main advantages of castor oil is that it helps prevent the appearance of dark spots on the face and can appear as a result of aging or aging. 39, excessive exposure to the sun. The fatty acids found in castor oil penetrate the deeper layers of the skin and stimulate the growth of new cells. The use of castor oil on the face reduces the color of the spots and helps to lighten the skin color and acts as a very good natural product that helps eliminate the signs of stretching and scars that appear in different parts of the body.

There are different ways to apply castor oil on the skin, and it is recommended to apply drops of castor oil directly to dark skin, with a massage gentle to allow the skin to completely absorb the oil and to achieve effective results. 19659009] Another way to apply castor oil is by mixing a few drops of castor oil

Castor oil for the facial removal and treatment of wrinkles: [19659006CastoroilcontainsahighproportionoffattyacidsandvitaminEandactsasapowerfulantioxidantThesenaturalingredientsareidealfortreatingwrinklesandagingtreatmentsThecomponentsofcastoroilpromotetheproductionofcollagenandelastinintheskinimprovingtheyouthandfreshnessoftheskinCastoroilisnotonlyidealforrejuvenatingtheskinbutitalsopreventsandreducestheappearanceoffinelinesandwrinkles

There are three ways to use castor oil for the treatment of facial wrinkles:

  • Put a few drops of castor oil directly into the wrinkled area and massage the face of circular way and prefer to leave the oil on the face at night.
  • Castor oil is blended with other anti-aging oils such as jojoba oil or grape oil. Mix about 5 drops of each type and placed directly on the skin and left overnight.

Castor oil for the treatment of dark circles:

Castor oil can be used to treat facial problems. From the appearance of blue circles that appear under the eyes.

Mode of employment:

It is recommended to put a few drops of castor oil on a piece of cotton and then massage on the eye area and repeat this treatment every night before [19659006] Castor oil is known for its aesthetic benefits, it is best known for the improvement and regeneration of thin and fragile lashes and also contributes to the growth of natural eyelashes, which helps to intensify the eyelashes during the period

Methods of Use:

A small amount of castor oil is applied to the eyelashes

Castor oil for the care of the face and oily skin: [19659006] Castor oil is a perfect and natural remedy for those people who suffer from oily skin or acne, risitolol helps fight germs in the face, and it helps reduce the spread of bacteria on the face and helps to evacuate the grains on the skin that cause acne. Castor oil effectively purifies the skin and helps treat acne and prevents the spread of new pills.

How to use:

Castor oil can be applied to the skin in two ways:

  • We apply a few drops of castor oil directly to the areas affected by Acne and let the whole night and recommend to clean the face the next day
  • The mask can be made by mixing 2 large oil suspensions with a large hanging olive oil And put on the face for up to 20 minutes, then wash face thoroughly

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