Cats are the secret of success in business!


The details of this story

London : Scientists have discovered that the parasite that spreads through cats can be the key to success in business and individual initiatives.

The discovery highlights the paradox that parasitic toxoplasma gondae gives the patient preference over others.

Personality Changes

According to the study, this unicellular parasite enters the brain and causes personality changes associated with risk preparedness.

Infection with the parasite rarely causes symptoms that increase mild leaching symptoms and estimates that it has infected 50 percent of the world's population. But also related to traffic accidents, neurosis and suicide.

The new study proves that in fact, it supports commercial risks and launches new businesses, thus contributing to the development of individual entrepreneurship.

The study, published in the Daily Telegraph, revealed that the chances of professionals opening their own business almost double if they had typhoid toxoplasma gondii compared to others.

A follow-up of about 1,300 American students showed that the probability of choosing a branch of business was 1.7 times higher among people infected with this parasite.

A Positive Indicator

A meta-analysis of 42 countries revealed that the prevalence of global infection with Toxoplasma gondii was "a positive positive indicator of the level of 39, individual entrepreneurial activity in the business sector ".

According to researchers at the University of Colorado, "populations with a higher rate of infection with Tocoplasma gondii are more likely to initiate individual ventures and to have active individual active behavior and less of people who mention the fear of failure as a factor of failure. He said.

The researchers said that individual entrepreneurship is a "high risk, high reward" activity often associated with economic instability.

study indicate that a low level of fear of failure may be a determining factor in interpreting the relationship between toxoplasmosis gondii and individual initiative.

Although this Parasite usually spends part of its life cycle in rodents, birds, and other animals, it can only reproduce in domestic cats and their parents of animals.

Elaph prepared this report by acting on the Daily Telegraph.The original is published at the following link: -humans /

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