Causes headaches with eyes


Jeddah – Walaa Haddad Monday, 07/23/2018 – 13:28

Causes of headaches with eyes It is important to identify them to avoid injury: headaches with eyes affect and alter daily life. His pain and complications are more serious than other types of headaches.

Causes of headaches with eye:

  • Dry eyes: The symptoms of eye irritation are itching, redness and also headache.
  • Weakness of sight: Vision and vision cause headaches due to lack of vision.
  • Eye pain: Due to the frequent use of modern equipment and television causes headaches in the head and eyes.
  • Inflammation Serious: This is a common eye disease that causes a number of symptoms, including headaches.
  • Orbital inflammation syndrome: A disease of the eyes in the eyes.
  • Cranial Nerve Palsy: This is a disease that affects the eye for a number of reasons and has a number of symptoms, including headaches in the eye.
  • Migraine is a type of headache that affects vision and causes headaches in the eye area.
  • Sinusitis: A symptom of headache with the eyes.
  • Horton headache: It is a symptomatic headache with the head.
  • Tension: The two pressures at work or the pressures of life cause headaches with the eyes.


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